Curriculum Development & Textbook Production

Course Code: EDU-721                                        Credit Hours: 03

Course Objectives

After completing this course, the learners will able to:

1.     Conceptualize the term curriculum.

2.     Discuss the scope and elements of curriculum with reference to Pakistani context.

3.     Discuss the foundations of curriculum development in general.

4.     Demonstrate the knowledge about some of the types of curriculum applicable in Pakistan.

5.     Explain the process of curriculum development being followed in Pakistan.

6.     Identify the limitation of curriculum development in Pakistan and suggest some improvements.

7.     Determine and formulate instructional objectives in behavioral terms.

8.     Select and apply appropriate instructional strategies accordingly.

9.     Discuss various teaching aids and develop low cost materials.


Unit-1 Introduction

1.1            Conceptual understanding of curriculum.

1.2            Scope of curriculum.

1.3            Elements of curriculum.

1.4            Interrelationship between these elements.

Unit-2 Foundations of Curriculum.

2.1 Philosophical foundations.

2.2 Psychological Foundation.

2.3 Socio-cultural foundation.

Unit-3 Types of Curriculum.

3.1 Subject based curriculum.

3.2 Teacher centered curriculum.

3.3 Learner centered curriculum.

3.4 Activity based curriculum.

Unit-4 Curriculum Design

4.1 Situational Analysis.

4.2 Formulation of Objectives.

4.3 Selection and Organization of contents.

4.4 Selection of appropriate methods.

4.5 Assessment of student’s achievements.

Unit-5 Curriculum Development in Pakistan.

5.1 Various agencies involved in the process of curriculum development in Pakistan.

     a) Provincial CRDC’s.

     b) Bureau of curriculum Development and research.

     c) Curriculum wing.

      d) HEC.

5.2 Role of teachers in curriculum Planning.

Unit-6 Instructional Objectives

6.1 Goats, Aims and Objectives.

6.2 Importance of learning objectives.

6.3 Identifying behavioral objectives.

6.4 Taxonomy of Educational objectives.

Unit-7 Instructional Material.

7.1 Importance & Characteristics of audio aids.

7.2 Importance & Characteristics of visuals aids.

7.3 Teachers role in the development of low cost materials.

Unit-8 Evaluation & Revision of Curriculum

8.1 Method of Evaluation.

8.2 Procedures of revision.

8.3 Revision of curriculum for secondary classes in Pakistan.

8.4 Policy & Principles for Textbook Production.

8.5 The Role of Private Sector in Textbook Production

8.6 Problems & Issues in Textbook Production.

Suggested Readings:

1            Roger Crombie White (1997) a celebration of classroom practices. Published by Edm Undsbury (UK).

2            Vor Goodson (1993) School subject and curriculum change. Published in Falmer Press Washington (London).

3            Mc Neil, J.D (1990) Curriculum Development and design 5th edition and Lenpin, Malaysia.

4            Rehman, Mehmuda (1999) Curriculum and Instruction, Peshawar, lijaz Printers, Pakistan.